Chookshed Blues
Welcome to the Clancy of the Outback series.
Eleven-year-old Clancy has been thrust into life out woop-woop. These are the stories of his outback adventures at his uncle’s sheep station, Overflow Station. In this book, Dad decides to build a chook house with encouragement from Mum. Big Bill’s ute is used to bring in the wood and corrugated iron and wire netting for the chookhouse. Dad and Clancy build it and ensure that the run is protected from foxes. Dad’s chook house is a bit shakey. Dad and Clancy buy the chickens at the Farmers’ Market. The trouble starts when a large fox gets into the chook yard and Clancy and Mum notice that the chooks are very big and growing very fast. Eventually Big Bill works out what’s wrong but the annual school Christmas fete is a great success.
At the conclusion of this book there is an Outback Facts section which provides information about foxes and dingoes, there is a Les Murray poem, The Young Fox and the all-important, Outback Jokes section.
Download the teacher notes here

City Slicker
Welcome to the Clancy of the Outback series.
Eleven-year-old Clancy has been thrust into life out woop-woop. These are the stories of his outback adventures at his uncle’s sheep station, Overflow Station. In this book, we are introduced Brutus and Butters Clancy and Little Bill’s dogs. Clancy has a lot to learn, and Little Bill makes sure he begins to understand the rules of country living. She takes Clancy for a tour of the property in the old ute and when they are a distance away from the homestead, she lets Clancy take control of the vehicle. The result is disastrous when Clancy mistakes the accelerator for the brake. The ute is undriveable and so they must walk back to the homestead. Clancy is exhausted and goes to bed straight after dinner. He has a nightmare about being a racing car driver.
At the conclusion of this book there is an Outback Facts section on the Darling River, a Henry Lawson type poem about Clancy of the Overflow and a page of Outback Jokes.
Download the teacher notes here

Clancy of the Outback bundle
Grab all 12 Clancy of the Outback books in this pack.
Only available for online orders.

Classroom Dynamics
When you're dealing off-task student behaviour, you want teacher-tested strategies that work in real classrooms. You'll find a wealth of these tools in Classroom Dynamics by Glen Pearsall. Drawing from his experience helping schools address challenging student behaviours, Pearsall explores how to create positive learning environments, heighten engagement and maintain productive relationships with young people.
This book is ideal for K–12 teachers looking for concrete strategies that they can immediately implement in their classrooms. Incorporating recent research on effective classroom practice, Pearsall discusses how to quickly address low-level off-task behaviour before it becomes problematic – and how to de-escalate potential conflicts and address difficult behaviours when it does. Classroom Dynamics also helps teachers understand the reasons behind these disruptive behaviours, offering practical ways to quickly get to the heart of issues that might be affecting student learning.
This revised edition includes a new chapter focusing on demand-avoidant behaviours where Pearsall guides educators in the subtleties of dealing sensitively with situations in which even low-level instruction might lead to an explosive response from the student.

Classroom Vibe
Dr Timothy O’Leary is a firm believer that decisions about improvements, whether they be for a teacher or school, need to be based on fact, not fancy. In Classroom Vibe he uses data to demystify why some classrooms are primed for learning while others aren’t and explains why strategies for change in schools often fail. In breaking down the atmosphere of the classroom as experienced by the students – the ‘classroom vibe’ – he gives teachers practical steps for improving theirs.
The author argues that when teachers focus their improvement efforts on the ‘vibe’ in each of their classrooms and school leaders focus on supporting their teachers in this endeavour, everyone benefits. He provides a clear framework that highlights how the culture of a classroom can determine whether important teaching strategies will succeed or fail.

Connecting with ...
Get the two books in this series in this special bundle.
Connecting with Your Kids (published February 2019).
Connecting with Your Teens (published October 2023).
Only available for online orders.

Connecting with Your Kids
Have you noticed that some families seem to be like a happy party just walking along, and others are kind of tense and awkward? How some parents and kids seem to get along really well, and others are awkward and negative, reduced to just sharp commands to "hurry up" or "don't touch that."
It's not that one kind of parent doesn't love their kids just as much or work just as hard to feed and clothe and care for them, but more that they may not have found ways to be close, have fun, and share good times. Connection with our kids isn't some mystical thing, it's made up of shared activities and memories, often not the expensive ones but just stuff that happened.
Andy McNeilly realised early in his work as a primary teacher (and dad) that not all kids get along with their parents very well, and not all parents know what to do to have good times with their children. After all, what's the point of feeding, clothing and caring for kids if you still just don't get along, and they don't feel close to you and able to trust you. If they grow into teens, and then adults, who don't have much connection to you, and just drift away. How sad would that be?
The secret that Andy is happy to share is that there are thousands of things you can do with your kids, which are fun and helpful to building a good relationship. Don't be daunted by that, or by the pages of this book, into feeling that's just too much. This is a RECIPE book. Just one tasty "meal" from the activities in here can give you a really great time. Half a dozen of those might be all you need for a year!
And because our minds are good at knowing what works for us, just trust yourself to pick out one or two and make a start. You'll get your money's worth if even one of these ideas takes off with you and your children.
Sometimes as a parent, you feel stuck. Stuck for what to do, or what to say, or how to act. It's a terrible feeling, knowing there is something wise or clever or helpful needed, and you just don't know what that is.
These activities unstick you. You start to get more creative, and inventive, and get into a nice flow with your kids that spreads to other parts of your family's life. When I think back to my childhood sixty years ago (yes, shocking aye? And I look so YOUNG) I remember fun times with my mum or dad, doing stuff and feeling that the world and life were a wonderful place. Activities, conversations, projects, games, that are simple and may not even cost a cent.
Have fun with this book! Dive in somewhere, grab an idea, and give it a go.
WarmestSteve Biddulph
* This title is a buy in and is for online orders only.

Connecting with Your Teens
Connecting with Your Teens is a simple, practical, down-to-earth guide for all parents and teachers who want to bond with their teenagers while also helping them to develop important life skills.
This fun and effective book contains chapters that can be followed chronologically throughout the year, or by selecting a ‘life skill’ that may need to be learnt. Each chapter explores different understandings of these life skills, offers fun and engaging activities to develop these skills as a family and includes personal narratives relating to each life skill.
Learning these skills will not only help your teen navigate the sometimes-tricky stages of adolescent life but ultimately thrive through the rest of their lives to come.

Creating an Australian School Literacy Policy
Creating an Australian School Literacy Policy: A Research-Informed Guide to Designing a Policy That Fits Your School by Dr Margaret K Merga is the new go-to guide for creating effective and holistic literacy policy.
Drawing on extensive analysis of literacy policy documents from one hundred and sixty-six schools in Australia and the United Kingdom, Dr Merga evaluates in this essential resource what makes literary policies effective – and what can hold them back – to provide a comprehensive framework for developing or revising your whole-school literacy policy.
Creating an Australian School Literacy Policy empowers K–12 school leaders, classroom teachers and library professionals to become literacy leaders and make a real impact on their school communities.
With a focus on ensuring clarity, depth and quality in these crucial documents, Dr Merga’s ground-breaking guide offers you the opportunity to transform the teaching and learning of literacy with a whole-school literacy policy that meets your school’s unique needs and supports your students to achieve their goals.

Creating Authenticity in STEAM Education
Michelle Bradley's Creating Authenticity in STEAM Education goes beyond the confines of traditional teaching methods and invites educators to discover the transformative potential of STEAM education. No longer confined to mere straws and plasticine, this book delves into the essence of authentic learning experiences, offering a diverse array of meticulously curated resources and examples.
Through a fusion of design thinking and project-based learning, Bradley's mission is to ignite a passion for critical thinking, providing a roadmap for educators to cultivate a generation of innovators and problem solvers. Unleash the power of STEAM education and witness the evolution of engaged and empowered learners ready to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Creating Connections
Rachel Stewart is a parent engagement specialist and mother of three. In Creating Connections: Inspire your child to thrive in their learning, Rachel explores the vital role of parents (and carers) in their children’s education, in particular during the transition to learning at school. With touching anecdotes from her own life, Rachel describes how the adults who care for children can learn alongside them - with children, families and teachers forming a powerful learning team.
With a focus on compassion - for self and for others - Rachel encourages parents to reflect on their life and grow their awareness of how their experiences might influence their parenting style. She encourages a close relationship between parents and teachers for the benefit of the child and invites parents to build a relationship with their children that encourages a love for learning and growth as unique individuals. Importantly, Rachel explains how to stay connected while letting go.
Creating Connections provides the support and affirmation craved by any parent who has wondered if they are doing a good job.

Curating Inquiries
The role of teachers isn’t limited to just teaching. Teachers are here to educate, to lead others out to a new beginning, a future that students and teachers can wholeheartedly embrace. In Curating Inquiries, Grant Lewis shares his knowledge of curriculum design and inquiry learning garnered from over 20 years of experience. This book will explore how schools and teachers can develop a conceptual framework that scaffolds the learning journey while developing inquiries worth learning about.From looking at how to map curriculum across a year or longer using the framework, it is designed to be practical and provide strategies and protocols to be applied in a primary school setting. It also explores what inquiry-based learning is, how to make sense of it all and still remain accountable to curriculum and student voice. This book is recommended for teachers who wish to develop knowledge around planning for an inquiry and providing the time and space for students to grow in their confidence and skills in inquiry. Through understanding how inquiry-based learning works, it will enable teachers to achieve success in setting up the memorable, powerful and engaging learning experiences for their students.

Damien Barry bundle
Grab both of Dr Damien Barry's books.
The Teaching Game (published May 2023).The Leadership Game (published May 2024).
Only available for online orders.

Data-informed Learners
As educators we all recognise the power of using data to inform our work. A key piece that is often missing is how we engage students in their data story.
When we use data with students they become data-informed learners. They have a better understanding of their ability as a learner and can articulate their goals and challenges more clearly. We can support our students through targeted conversations, working in partnership to help them improve.
There are three main purposes for using data with students: goal setting, learning dispositions or behaviour, and the quality of student learning or understanding. There are five main modes by which we do this: data walls, success criteria, student-generated assessment, deliberate conversations and data on walls in classrooms.
In this book, Dr Selena Fisk unpacks these purposes and modes, giving practical ideas for implementation in schools and classrooms. She offers guidance in having constructive data-informed conversations with students, while building a culture of psychological safety where data use is productive and transformational.

Developing Executive Functioning in the Early Years
In Developing Executive Functioning in the Early Years, Dr Rosalyn Muir delves into the crucial yet often overlooked domain of executive functioning in young children. Drawing on more than 30 years of educational experience and rigorous PhD research, Dr Muir introduces the SOWATT framework – a practical toolkit for educators. This book bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering actionable strategies for developing executive functions such as self-regulation, working memory and cognitive flexibility.
Dr Muir’s work is deeply rooted in contemporary educational goals, resonating with the OECD’s vision of student agency and the Early Years Learning Framework. Through the lens of the SOWATT framework, educators are provided with concrete steps to cultivate these essential skills in the classroom. This book emphasises that all children – not just those with learning difficulties – benefit from the intentional development of executive functions. By presenting a holistic and accessible approach, the author empowers educators to transform their practice, ultimately setting up children for a lifetime of success and fulfilment.

Differentiating the Curriculum
In mixed-ability classrooms, it is inevitable that students will have different learning styles, backgrounds, prior knowledge, experience and willingness to learn. While teachers may be unable to change the content prescribed by their school, they have an enormous amount of control in the way they assign this content to their students.
Differentiating the Curriculum: Supporting Teachers to Thrive in Mixed-Ability Classrooms adopts the principles of the Pirozzo Model, which offers six approaches teachers can use to effectively implement differentiation in their classroom.
The Pirozzo Model consists of the following strategies:
Ability Grouping
Cooperative Learning Teams
Learning Contracts
Learning Centres
Multi-age Grouping
Individual Learning Plans
Based on the author’s extensive work with over 20,000 educators, the Pirozzo Model is a dynamic teaching tool that empowers teachers with six different approaches to maximising student learning potential.

Differentiation for Gifted Students in a Secondary School
Differentiation for Gifted Students in a Secondary School aims to provide secondary school teachers with a raft of ideas and strategies to differentiate teaching, learning and the curriculum for gifted students.
Interweaving theory and research with everyday practice, this book offers guidance and suggestions from Australian experts who work every day with gifted students. With appropriate strategies to support gifted students in a variety of classes, subjects and situations in a secondary school, this book considers a range of known and emerging concerns relating to the education of gifted children from differentiating the curriculum, wellbeing, creativity, transitioning between school settings, the science classroom and STEM projects.
Differentiation for Gifted Students in a Secondary School is a unique resource that will help new and experienced teachers with inspired and practical strategies to respond to the needs of their gifted students. The inclusion of several case studies helps exemplify these for readers.

Dr Paul Teys Principal bundle
Get the Dr Paul Teys book bundle.
So You Want to Be a Principal (published June 2022)
Now You Are a Principal (published October 2024)
Only available for online orders.

Early Childhood Educator Bundle
To celebrate the publication of these two titles for early childhood educators and leaders we have this special bundle.
Developing Executive Functioning in the Early Years by Dr Rosalyn Muir (published November 2024)
The Power of Play by Lili-Ann Kriegler (published November 2024)

Educate to Self-Regulate
Dive into the definitive guide to nurturing self-regulated learners with Educate to Self-Regulate. Drawing from extensive teaching experience, research studies and school partnerships, Dr Shyam Barr presents evidence-informed strategies to empower both educators and students on the path to lifelong success. Through three comprehensive parts, the book navigates from laying the foundations of self-regulated learning to practical classroom implementation and leadership initiatives. It is an essential roadmap for teachers to identify barriers to students’ self-regulated learning and apply effective teaching approaches.
Unlock the secrets to fostering self-regulated learners with Barr's expertise, equipping yourself with the tools to cultivate autonomy, resilience, and academic excellence in your students. Whether you're a seasoned educator or a newcomer to the field, this book provides invaluable insights and actionable steps to transform your teaching practice and empower students for success in an ever-changing world.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a engineer?
In this book from the Real People, Real Careers series, we follow Donna on her journey from trade assistant to LAME (Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer). On the way, you’ll read all about what Donna does each day, see pictures of the aircraft hanger where she works, and learn some interesting facts about her job as well as key terms that will help you to better understand the world of work.

Equine Carer
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be an equine carer?
In this book from the Real People, Real Careers series, we follow Sam on her journey from after-school employee to self-employed equine carer and services provider. On the way, you’ll read all about what Sam does each day, see pictures of the places where she works, and learn some interesting facts about her job as well as key terms that will help you to better understand the world of work.

Exam Skills Handbook
In the race to academic success, it’s not just about how long you study, but how smart you revise. Scott Francis, passionate author and educator, unveils the Exam Skills Handbook, a roadmap for high schoolers to unlock their full potential. Delve into the secrets of using your class time, developing study skills, making the most of the exam preparation block and performing well on exam day.
Tailored to senior students, this handbook is your ticket to a more deliberate, thorough and successful exam experience. With expert insights and practical strategies, you’ll transform study sessions into power-packed learning routines. Say goodbye to inefficient cramming and hello to a smarter, more fulfilling academic journey. Get ready to conquer exams with confidence and make the most of your precious time, because life is too good for bad study!

Excuse Me!
This engaging collection features five thought-provoking plays designed specifically for classroom performance. Written by acclaimed Australian author Hazel Edwards, the plays tackle contemporary themes including technology, life choices, media influence, bureaucracy and time management, while being perfectly crafted to fit within a standard forty-minute lesson.
More than just entertainment, these plays serve as powerful teaching tools, combining literacy development with active learning and social skills. Whether exploring technological change in ‘The Not-So-Great Excuse Machine’, grappling with life's big decisions in ‘Everyperson’, satirising modern media in ‘The Fairly Fake TV Show’, unravelling mysteries in ‘The Mt Paperwork Whodunnit’, or diving into reader's theatre with ‘The Minutes of Time’, these plays promise engaging experiences that spark meaningful classroom discussions.