Exam Skills Handbook


Exam Skills Handbook

How to Study and Ace Your Exams

By Scott Francis

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In the race to academic success, it's not just about how long you study, but how smart you revise. Scott Francis, renowned author and educator, unveils the Exam Skills Handbook, a roadmap for high schoolers to unlock their full potential. Delve into the secrets of using your class time, study skills, using the exam preparation block and performing well on exam day.

Tailored to senior students, this handbook is your ticket to mastering the art of acing your exams. With expert insights and practical strategies, you'll transform study sessions into power-packed learning experiences. Say goodbye to inefficient cramming and hello to a smarter, more fulfilling academic journey. Get ready to conquer exams with confidence and make the most of your precious time, because life is too good for bad study!

ISBN 9781923116634

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