Introducing our educational publisher, Alicia Cohen. We asked her five questions.
Tell us a little more about yourself?
I live and breathe books and have worked in publishing houses since I was twenty. Like many I feel into publishing, and got my start under Elaine Brownlow at Hawker Brownlow Education. I have a strong production background and an interest in digital print and publishing.
I have worked in a variety of education and academic publishers in Australia and the UK. Most of my friends are publishing people. I still believe that nothing beats the feeling of holding an advance copy of a book you were involved with – no matter what part you played in it.
Why educational publishing?
Both my parents were educators. My mother taught history and typing at girl's schools. I fondly remember spending school holidays running around the school campus. My father was an accountant, business writer and adult education teacher. He was a disciplined writer and published widely.
They both instilled the value of education into me. Education play a significant role in our lives and society. I really like the idea that I contribute to the wider education industry by publishing great educators, academics and thoughts leaders. I feel so passionately about the authors, the ideas and the work I publish and love to talk about their work at any opportunity.
When you’re not publishing books what do you do with your time?
I happily run around after a 7 year-old boy and a 2½ year-old girl. Nothing beats a park date, and I don’t mind a bit of risky play! I am grateful that the Press enables me to do school drop off and pick ups every day.
I have lived in the same area all my life so most of my friends and family live close by. I know most of the local shop owners and have a couple of regular coffee spots I frequent. I can’t go down to Coles Elsternwick without running into someone for a chat. And those that know me, know I love a good chat.
The love of books is strong with you. Tell us more.
I come from a family of book readers. I give books to all my family members for all occasions. I talk about books with everyone and devour the books I publish as they are all in my own interest areas. I love making a book recommendation. Sometimes I don’t get it right, but when I do get it, I nail it.
So, what have you been recommending recently?
In my personal time I read contemporary fiction or prize winners. Recently I have been recommending:
- Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. What a love story. Devoured in 24 hours.
- Animal by Lisa Taddeo. I enjoyed her debut novel, Three Women, but this book was incredible.
- Seeing Other People by Diana Reid. An Australian up and coming author to watch.
Alicia Cohen is available to discuss your book idea or proposal. Get in touch to make a time.