We've had an energising fortnight celebrating the upcoming publication The Pruning Principle: Mastering the Art of Strategic Subtraction Within Education with the education community across Australia. The book launches in Melbourne and Sydney brought together passionate educators eager to explore new approaches to educational leadership.
Co-authors Dr Simon Breakspear and Michael Rosenbrock were delighted to connect with school leaders, sharing the book's central message about the power of strategic subtraction in education. The launches provided wonderful opportunities for rich discussions about the challenges and opportunities facing our school leaders today.

The timing aligned perfectly with Dr Breakspear's facilitation of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership's residential program, where network leaders from across Victoria gathered for two days of professional learning. Each participant received a copy of The Pruning Principle, adding another dimension to their intensive professional development experience.

"Do less, and do it better" resonated strongly with attendees at both launches, perhaps reflecting a wider recognition in our education community that sustainable improvement requires careful choices about where we focus our energy and resources.

The warm reception from educators at these events has been heartening. As school leaders begin their planning cycles for 2025, many expressed appreciation for a fresh perspective on educational leadership that prioritises sustainability and strategic focus.
The Pruning Principle is now available through Amba Press and publishes officially on 13th November and will be available on Kindle and through Amazon, Booktopia and Barnes and Noble.